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Bioman Biology

Biology Games & Virtual Labs!

Body Systems Physiology ButtonBody Systems (Physiology)

cell buttonCells

ecology buttonEcology

evolution and classification buttonEvolution &  Classification

genetics and meiosis buttonGenetics & Meiosis

DNA life chemistry buttonLife Chemistry (DNA, Proteins, etc,)

photosynthesis and respiration buttonRespiration & Photosynthesis

magnifying glassScientific Methods

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Cells Quizzes

Cell Quiz #1: Covers the following topics: Cell theory, basic cell concepts, types of cells (prokaryote vs. eukaryote, plant vs. animal)

Cell Quiz #2: Organelles and Structures:  Covers the following topics:  Functions of organelles and structures in eukaryotes such as the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, cell wall, mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, ribosomes, nucleus, rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi apparatus, and vesicles.

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